Friday, October 17, 2014

Nuke the Punchline - Disturbed Rats. Mandated Counseling!

Harvey over at IMAO has posted a new straight line of the day, I believe. You should go check and make sure. My favorites from the last one are :

After Being Told the City’s Rat Population Was on the Rise, NYC’s Mayor…

The Parable that is Ratatouille 
#5 James:   Told the UN that they had to limit the size of their delegations.

#4 Bob B: …blamed Bloomberg.

#3 Jimmy:. …said, “What happened to all those Da** Cats?”

#2 Da**cat: …welcomed the city’s new rat overlords.

And my favorite straight line of the day was from walruskkkch: 

After Being Told the City’s Rat Population Was on the Rise, NYC’s Mayor… was a bit confused since rats normally leave a sinking ship.

 Cookies to walruskkkch!

and Kiss up Cookies to Bob B. for his line:

After Being Told the City’s Rat Population Was on the Rise, NYC’s Mayor……devised a plan to distribute authentic Anonymiss cookie crumbs along the George Washington Bridge, in hopes that the rats will be drawn to New Jersey.
[Sure. I'll give him my delicious crumbs...for a price...Yay for capitalism! :)]

Kiss Up Cookies to Bob B!

I've really missed you guys!


  1. Thanks for the cookies.

  2. I'm surprised DiBlasio's concerned about the rat population. I figured he'd try to register them to vote.
