Yeah, that's right. Ohio State beat that Team Up North yet again. Why? Because Meatchicken sucks. Bottom line...not even Denard Robinson could put up PlayStation numbers against this Buckeye defense.
His were more like Atari numbers.
Seriously, the final score was nothing compared to the actual beat down by the Buckeye defense. Meatchicken was shutout in the second half, providing Ohio State with a perfect season.
Game wasn't really close, I turned it off at 5 minutes into the first quarter.
...and watched it on my smartphone. Because my smart phone is so smart, it filters out the name "michig@n".
Only undefeated team in the Big Ten...check.
Only undefeated team in the nation...possibly.
Only undefeated team with hot cheerleaders...I dunno.
personally, I just cant wait to see who beats MSU in a bowl game.