Tuesday, April 16, 2013


At one point in my life, I was a fan of Michael Moore. I thought he stood up for the little guy, and fought against the evil bureaucracy. I enjoyed 'Roger and Me.' I watched his shows on TV.

Then something changed.
Following yesterday's outrage in Boston, he once again made a giant fool of himself on Twitter.
(No links or retweets for scumbags; the link is for Michelle Malkin's site: Twitchy.)

He started with:

2+2 =

Then continued with:

The final mile of the Boston Marathon today had been dedicated to the Newtown school victims

Then finished with:

Tax Day. Patriots Day.

That's right, boys and girls: When the math adds up, it's obvious the whole thing was perpetrated by them insane, gun-lovin', tax-hatin' Tea Party types.

Because if there's anything that's rock solid in this world, it's the evidence that us right-wing extremists get pretty violent when crossed. I mean, we're blood-thirsty, right? Not like those peace-lovin' Occupy types. Or like those cuddly Islamic jihadis.

Plus, obviously, the best way to show that we, as a people, can and should be trusted with guns (as the Founders believed and enshrines in the Constitution) is by blowing up innocent people.

So, the way I see it, the math equation should look like this:



2 - The final mile being dedicated to Newtown


2 - Tax Day. Patriot Day.


2 - Lack of evidence of Tea Party violence


2 - Lack of common sense


Zero - Michael Moore is a giant douche.

At one point in my life, I was a fan of Michael Moore. I thought he stood up for the little guy, and fought against the evil bureaucracy. I enjoyed 'Roger and Me.' I watched his shows on TV.

Then something changed. I grew up. What a shame he never will.