Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Nuke the Punchline - Definitely Endangered

Harvey over at IMAO has posted a new straight line of the day, so it is time to choose the winners of the last one:

The Mascot For Obamacare: A “Sad Panda”. Other Mascots…

Honorable Mention to jw for all of his ugly animal submissions: Obama, HillaryPelosi.

#5 D***Cat: …for Department of Health and Human Services – Leeches.

#4 Burt: …that cookie-grabbin’ OJ as spokesperson for SCOTUS.

#3 walruskkkch :...A Panda is an appropriate mascot, we have to hope the Chinese will continue to let us borrow the money to pay for it.

#2 Les: ...Sad blobfish.

And my favorite straight line of the day was from Smilin' Jack:

The Mascot For Obamacare: A “Sad Panda”. Other Mascots…an “Extinct Panda” for post-implementation ObamaCare.

 Cookies to Smilin' Jack!

and today's best kiss upper was can of spam:

The Mascot For Obamacare: A “Sad Panda”. Other Mascots…

can of spam:… Cookie Monster for Anonymiss.  and
… “Charles the Chocolate-Chip Cookie” for SLotD. 

Kiss up cookies to 
 can of spam!

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