Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nuke the Punchline: Obama Had a Security Camera Installed

Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:

Obama had a security camera installed...

#5 Mrs. C: ...on his teleprompter, so he can watch himself give speeches. 

#4 Yosoff: ...He thought Michael Moore was stealing all of his Ho Hos, but it turned out to be Michelle. 

#3 Manolo: ...to keep tabs on Harry Reid when he’s babysitting the kids.

#2 Lactose the Intolerant: ...in his bedroom so Chris Matthews can watch him while he sleeps.

And the best punchline goes to Bob in Feenicks:

Obama had a security camera installed in front of the bus, so he can see the looks on the faces of the people as he throws them under it. 

Congratulations Bob!

Now here's a line for you guys to spin: 

With the aid of scientists, Joe Biden... 


  1. ... got his propeller beanie to run on solar power.

  2. ...can almost complete a sentence without making a gaffe.

  3. is now only classified as learning disabled.

  4. . . . can now count to twenty one in the shower

  5. can now properly chew gum, but only if he's not walking.

  6. has been conditioned to stop eating from the litter box.

  7. can now get his shoes on the right feet. When he gets it right, the shoes administer endorphins. Wrong, hydrochloric acid. Yeah science.

  8. is now qualified to be a side-show geek

  9. had a cloned guppie brain installed and doubled his IQ.

  10. debunked the Two-Brain-Cell-Minimum theory.

  11. . . . figured out how to remove his foot from his mouth.

  12. can walk and talk like a real boy!

  13. ...can tell the difference between poop and a scientist 51% of the time.

  14. can now count the letters in a word, up to four.
