Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nuke the Punchline: Day One Obama

Harvey over at IMAO has another straight line of the day up, and so it is time to pick the winners of the last one:

Prediction - On day one of Obama's second term...

#5 CTCompromise: ...Hahhahhaha… no, all kidding aside, on day one of Romney’s first term…

#4 Doug: ...he wakes to find it all a dream. Again. And again complains about prison food.

#3 Rodney Dill: ...Second Verse Same as the First, a Little Bit Louder and a Little Bit Worse.

#2 hadsil: ...Chris Matthews checks into a hospital due to lack of blood in the upper half of his body.

And the best punchline goes to AT:

Prediction - On day one of Obama's second term...golf.

Congratulations AT!


The best punchline for the last Nuking Politics straight line was CarolyntheMommy

When going to cast his vote, Biden made sure he was the only one in the room - he didn't want anyone else copying his work!

Congratulations, Carolyn!


Now here's a line for you guys:

After the election, the best part is...


  1. ...the hobos who were paid in cigarettes to vote for Obama can smoke them in peace.

  2. ... if Obama wins then at least he can't win again. If Romney wins then Obama didn't win.

    ... seeing if you not only picked all 57 states right, but also seeing if you beat the spread

  3. ... watching Chris Matthews spontaneously combust either with glee or rage. Really, it's a win/win if you can stand watching Matthews at all.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Watching Candy Crowley try to sing.

  6. we get to say "I told you so".

  7. ...knowing whether dog will remain on the menu or not.

  8. .... there's January 20, 2016 to look forward to

  9. ...at this point, after the election it looks like we'll be able to look forward to 4 more years of superb straight lines at IMAO and Nuking Politics.

  10. ...we'll have four more years of the guy in charge, blaming the guy who was in charge the last four years.

    (yes, I believe I said it right)

  11. ...knowing the Weasel In Chief is as afraid of his friends as he is his enemies.
