Friday, November 9, 2012

Walkingdead's Deep Thoughts: October 9, 20-12

  • So Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Berlin wall coming down.  I'm sure somewhere a politico reporter is trying to give Obama credit for it.
  • For some reason I can't get THIS song out of my head.
  • Ok this is a weird question.
          Is it socially acceptable to hit a man who had a sex change and became a woman, or is it automatically hands off?

         conversely, what about a woman who became a man?
  • People are really Blaming Chris Christie for Romney losing.  
         I feel the need to defend him considering we're both fat guys named Chris.

         Christy didn't lose the election for Romney, Romney running one of the worst campaigns ever did it.

        I explained it before, he ran my 7th grade campaign.

       you can't do that on a national level.
  • Every president is concerned about his legacy.
          I'm wondering if Obama isn't concerned about his, and is just going to do what he want's rather than try and do some real good for the country.
  • I've been putting it off for a while,  but I think I'm going to do it tonight.
          I'm probably going to try rye whiskey.

          I think after Tuesday I owe it to myself.
  • I've been putting off buying THIS shirt for a while.  I need to.
  • Good Night


  1. Is it socially acceptable to hit a man who had a sex change and became a woman, or is it automatically hands off?
    conversely, what about a woman who became a man?

    Punch em both...hippies.

  2. You forgot to put a webcam on your Christmas list.
