Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Yesterday I had the pleasure if getting into an internet debate about equivalency. Now if you're a sane rational person like I pretend to be most of the time, you know that the Westboro Baptist Church are not good people. Misguided they may be, they are also not nearly as bad as say... Chechen Muslim terrorist who blow up local sporting events.

Because I decided to take the non popular, but accurate stance that the WBC has never flown planes into buildings, or strapped suicide vests onto children, I was called a F%*#@*$ Retard. Which I think we can all agree is a pretty reasonable and rational response to my argument.

Even with that being said I tried to use some facts, and to my dismay the “masses” were not swayed. So in the end I had to relent... and agree that they are pretty equal.

Let this be a lesson to you, whenever you debate on anything and you start to lose because you invented some false equivalent. Just call your opponent a F%*#&@% Retard, and be unflappable. Then brush you're shoulders off, and walk away into the sunset.

Its also a good idea to have this argument near sunset, otherwise you will have to stand there and be unflappable for a lot longer than you may want.


  1. "Its also a good idea to have this argument near sunset, otherwise you will have to stand there and be unflappable for a lot longer than you may want."


  2. I saw the title and wondered, "Why are White Blood Cells fighting Coronal Mass Ejections?"

    It's been that sort of week.

    And it's only Tuesday.

  3. Also, I my old college roommate, who, as it turns out, "came out" after graduation, once posted a Facebook thing: "450 species display homosexual behavior, Only one has homophobia."

    My reply: "So you think gay men are the moral equivalent of monkeys?"

    He deleted the post before I got the opportunity to REALLY dissect the argument.
