Thursday, July 18, 2013

Nuke the Punchline - Psych!

Harvey over at IMAO has posted a new straight line of the day, so it is time to choose the winners of the last one:

The US Repealed Its Ban on Broadcasting Propaganda Domestically. Coming Soon to Your TV…

#5 jw THE DNC NEWS HOUR “pilot episode explores the far right views of chris mathews, rachel maddow and the new york times”

#4 rodney dill: Ali in the Family – with Achmed and Ezzah Bunker. In the pilot episode Achmed meets his new son-in-law, Porkhead.

#3 Iowa Jim : ... Are You Smarter Than Joseph Biden?

#2 Oppo :… “Who Wants To Confiscate The Wealth of A Millionaire?”

And my favorite straight line of the day was from Apostic

The US Repealed Its Ban on Broadcasting Propaganda Domestically. Coming Soon to Your TV…”Believe It.. or Else!”

Toffee Trifle to Apostic!
(I'm trying to stay cool)


So...I'm still in the dungeon. Even though my brand new baby arrived yesterday...we still are without cookies.

It's just too hot to fire her up. Even in a dungeon. We'll stick with no-bake for a day or two...

I feel bad complaining about heat when this guy...


My favorite NP punchlines:

Europe is considering a quota system for women in corporate boardrooms. Obama is proposing a quota system for....

#3 can of spam:... complete idiots in his cabinet. Of course, he's using averaging, so Biden counts as three.

#2 Oppo: ... anyone willing to pay cash: you give him a dollar, he'll give you three quotas in Change.

My favorite line was from Dohtimes:

Europe is considering a quota system for women in corporate boardrooms. Obama is proposing a quota system for...using his quotes to make him look bad. From now on we have to do it 0% of the time. And that goes double for anyone named Harvey.

Truffles to Dohtimes!

Here's a new line for you to try:

Jimmy Carter says "America no longer has a functioning democracy". Also malfunctioning...


  1. ...the Iranian Islamic regime that Carter's presidency ushered in.

  2. Toffee Trifle - Anonymiss

    Bless you. And in return I promise not to trifle with anyone here.

    (BTW, yesterday I made Chicken Liver Mousse for a going away party today at work. Came out very nice, like a creamy pâté that goes well on water crackers. I fear it will encourage others to think about quitting working here....)

    1. :) My goodness, Apostic. You are quite the gourmet! So what do I have to do to get treats? :)

    2. Soon as I figure out how to upload them. Thus far I can tell you: floppy slots do not seem to work well for this....

  3. ...Mr. Carter's friends in Venezuela.

  4. ...the Constitution, our justice system, and the Emmy nominating process - I mean, no Kaley Cuoco, really?

  5. ...all attempts for Obama to appear Presidential.

  6. ...the printer at the Federal Reserve doesn't stop even though it ran out of paper years ago.

    (Also my snout, I have sniffed out truffles before but they never looked that tasty. Must be the sprinkles.)
