Did you know that Fox News viewers are 145% more uninformed
than people who turn the volume up on PBS really loud in the living room while
they make dinner? It’s totally true
yo! I used to not believe it until one
day I got a How Informed are You survey?
Due to legal reasons, (or possibly I just didn’t feel like
posting a photoshoped PDF file) I wrote down a transcript of one such
survey. You can clearly see how after
this its not that they ask you leading questions, but its actually that you are
not informed.
- On a scale of 1-10 how informed do you feel you are? _____
- How stupid are republicans? _____
- How amazing are democrats? _____
- At 8:00 P.M if you watch news, what news cast do you watch? (If you say O’reilly you are wrong) _____
- How sexy is Rachel Maddow on a scale of 1-10? _____
- How aroused does Anderson Cooper make you on a scale of 1-10? _____
- If you could punch Sean Hannity, how many times would you? On a scale of 1-100? _____
- When you get your correct news, where do you get it from (check all that apply)
LA Times
Town Crier
Planet Fitness Personal Trainer
actual quote from last nights show
- Where do you get your wrong news from? (Check all that apply)
I’m actually surprised I was informed enough to read this
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