Monday, August 13, 2012

We Reached a settlement

GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY!  After two and a half hours of intense negotiation (basically I cried a lot, and Keln just sat with his arms folded) we have reached a new agreement in our contractual relationship.  That is to say we will have none.

Honestly, this is for the better.  I wouldn’t want to get burdened down by shorter work hours, and more money.  Who needs that?  I’m glad we came to this arrangement, and just at the right time to, shortly after I tried to make a threat to my boss.

I’ll never do that again.

This also means that since I won’t put an undo burden on the blog, either financially or otherwise we can continue to stay up and running.  My only hope is when Keln eventually sells out to AOL/Time Warner; he cuts me in the 600 million he’s going to make.  I mean, that would at least make him better than Arianna Huffington.  And really, that is all we can ask for.

Can I at least ask for that?  You being better than Arianna Huffington?

so, you still have me blogging here to look forward to... you know until Keln just one day decides to change the passwords and what not.

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