Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Martin Luther King Jr.

This isn't how my dream went...

I meant to write a thing about Martin Luther King Jr. yesterday, but I sort of got lazy. I had the day off and I figured doing any kind of work would make me a racist or something. As it usually goes, when I get a day off, I try to force myself to stay in bed as long as possible, so I can see what it is like to be a worthless lefty that sleeps until noon everyday. I didn't make it to noon, but I didn't accomplish much of anything Monday either, so I kind of met my goals.

Anywho, I am sort of a fan of King. I know, that sounds crazy coming from a white person who is on the right, because we are supposed to be evil racists that only like black things shaped like a gun. But it's true, I really think King was a great man. Because he and I believed the same things about equality and human rights. I don't think he was a perfect man...nobody is perfect...but he was perfect enough for the era he lived in and I think it is a shame that he is not still alive now.

Or maybe it is a good thing he isn't alive now. Because he had a dream...a dream of equality. He had a dream where black people, and white people, and any color people were just called "people". Where any type of citizen of America was just called an "American". But his dream died with him. In his wake, new leaders took up his cause and skewed it. The Democrats, having long before embraced progressive ideology and further poisoning it with their well established racism, took over as the "champions" of blacks. And by champions, I mean masters.

Everything Martin Luther King fought for was betrayed by the left. He wasn't seeking handouts and recompense for years of slavery and persecution of black people. He was seeking true equality; an ideal that the white forefathers of this country actually understood and even agonized over in their time. Even they knew that black people were people just like them, and they knew that it was wrong to treat them otherwise...but they couldn't politically afford to change it. And even many who owned slaves themselves did their best to turn a blind eye to the utter wickedness of slavery. Much like modern pro-choice people claim an unborn baby is "just a fetus", most slave owners told themselves that blacks were subhuman. A form of kicking the can down the moral road.

But they knew, deep inside, that a man is a man, no matter his skin color. And that was the truth that King was fighting for. He wanted equality, not affirmative action. He wanted fair inclusion, not token "diversity". He wanted actual freedom, not a different kind of plantation where the Democrat masters harvest votes for promises of free stuff to an underprivileged and downtrodden black populace kept that way by such a parasitic relationship with both their self-appointed leaders and the Democrat Party that "owns" them.

He wasn't looking for quotas. He was looking for the American dream extended to all races. I would go as far as to say that he wanted to abolish the idea of race altogether and to have a society that is completely color blind (he actually said as much in his famous speech). If he were to see what today looks like, I don't think he would be happy. After a momentary bit of well deserved satisfaction at the idea that we have a black president, he would quickly realize what type of man Obama is and how the Democrats use black people for their own gains, as they have in various forms for two centuries. He would realize that most of his race are still living in poverty, kept there by the government dole. He would realize that the family has all but been abolished from black culture, that black children do not take education seriously, and that modern black culture spirals evermore into depravity egged on by progressives that tell them nothing they do is "their fault", but the fault of their white oppressors.

I wish that a Dr. King were alive today and was able to take a leadership role of blacks in America. Someone that would point out that actual equality means that everyone is treated "not based on the color of their skin but on the content of their character". King's own words, glossed over and forgotten by black people and purposely suppressed by the left.

I also have a dream, and it is the same dream that he had: where skin color is used merely as a physical description of a person and not a description of who they are.


  1. Not a perfect man, but a good man, and a significant man.

    He was a registered Republican, by the way.

    1. Yes, as were most black people at the time. The Republican part was the Abolitionist party, after all. However, Mr. King was forced by coercion to become a Democrat late in life, and many blacks followed suit leading to the current situation. Democrats further spread the rumor that only "old democrats" were racists, and new democrats were opposite, while magically, somehow the abolitionist Republicans had suddenly become the racists. Even though, at the time this began, it was the Democrats that opposed civil rights and the Republicans that were pushing it.

      It is amazing how that happened. I do believe leftists are devoid of an acceptance of reality, but they are far superior to the right at twisting what reality they acknowledge and using it for political gain. It helps that so many of them were criminal defense attorneys I suppose.

    2. I agree. Having spent a lot of time in Alabama, I have noticed a few things:

      Alabama consistently votes conservative. I found this incredible in the last election knowing personally how much the Baptists HATE the Mormons. It is no small thing. They think we are in league with the devil: one neighbor admitted she was afraid to come to a nativity exhibit in our building for fear of being "struck". With this obvious enmity, and with Obama being black...I thought they may change their tune. But 61% still voted for Romney.

      In Alabama, you see people of all races in all parts of town. There are blacks and whites at the country club and expensive shopping boutiques and there are blacks and whites working minimum wage jobs. Side by side. I think MLK would be pleased with these results. Since I live near Milwaukee, the 2nd most segregated city in the nation http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/07/americas-10-most-segregated-cities_n_845092.html#s261062&title=1_Detroit_Michigan, I find Alabama to be a much more race blind mix. The blindness ends there, however.

      In Alabama, race is an issue in every political decision. It is explored as a possible motive in every crime. There is a tangible racial tension there that I'd never experienced before. It is uncomfortable. I find myself being extra careful what I say and don't say. It is like there is an eternal race chip on everybody's shoulder. That, I fear, MLK would not like.

      Perhaps geographic segregation has been conquered there, but we certainly have a long way to go before MLK realizes his dream.

    3. I'm "kind of Baptist" and I dunno anything about this hatred of Mormons you speak of. Sharp theological differences of course, but not anything near hate. People who hate are just people who hate. You find them in every organization.

    4. Fair enough. I just stereotyped all Baptists using the info I had from knowing a few. That was wrong of me. The point I was trying to make was that they overlooked their differences to vote for Romney. I was trying to pay a compliment. Sorry.

    5. My brother in Georgia dated a Mormon girl for a while. Even went to Utah to soend the summer with her, working on a road crew. My biological step-dad was not amused. Of course he WAS a Methodist minister at the time. I was like, hey, Mormons are Christians, too, just in their own weird way. You ever look at ANY religion closely? They all have things that make the rational mind go, "Wait, WHAT!?!" The key, I learned, is thinking with your heart and not your brain. Not always easy, butwirth trying.

    6. That's "But worth trying."

  2. One of the things we owe MLK Jr. and a number of other Christian ministers is that they lead the civil rights movement as Christians. If they hadn't stepped up and instead the major force behind civil rights in this country was pushed by Farakhan and the Nation of Islam I suspect we'd have far greater problems right now.
