Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tactical Nuke: Tuesday, January 8, 2013

• Ooh, breaking news...Republicans might use the debt ceiling to force a budget.

  Yeah right. They haven't shown anything like a backbone yet, why would they start now? The democrats will say "hey, raise the ceiling a few trillion dollars and we will talk about cuts later in the year".

  And then Lucy (the democrats) will yank the football out of the way when Charlie Brown (the republicans) go to kick it.

• Bank of America has frozen the account of a small gun manufacturer, because, their words here, they do not believe the company should be selling guns on the internet.

  First, this sounds familiar...didn't BoA do this before?

  Second, as far as BoA choosing who they do business with, for whatever stupid reasons, I am all for it. However, if this manufacturer is owed money, then BoA needs to pay up and close the account so that the company can go find another bank to deal with.

• Carry on.


  1. Keln, sorry this is random, but what do you make of this? http://www.globalresearch.ca/on-911-doubts-were-immediate/5303866

    1. A bunch of nuttery is what I make of it. It's one of those "911 was an inside job" conspiracy theories. But I am not surprised as it is posted on Global Research, the same kooks that claim the US has a weather machine that can make hurricanes and heaven knows what else.

    2. Thanks. Someone sent me the link and it sure seemed fishy...

  2. Btw, did you get a new car yet? (Did the Bank approve ? ;)

    1. It just so happens I was about to post about it.

      And what do I need a bank for? With the money I make from this site I could buy all kinds of stuff. Just ask WD.

    2. WD? I thought he fell off the earth. I guess that makes sense. He's either far too busy to post because he's trading his gold plated diamonds for new video games or he's too wealthy now to mingle with the peasants.
